Not Eating Enough??

How can that be?  My calories seem sufficient.  My fat grams are decreasing. I am eating tons of veggies (secretively, I think I am turning into a rabbit!).

But I have a problem.  I am experiencing constipation–not something I should be having a problem with–with all my veggies, fiber rich rich cereal and bread–not to mention–nuts!  I thought perhaps I was not getting enough fat–so yesterday I skipped lunch and ate popcorn–did help a bit.  But not enough.

Today I researched it–and per the information available, I have cut calories too much!  So today, even though now watching what I eat is a habit, I am going to try and eat more than I usually do.  And this is the first bacon and egg on bun, per Snappy Lunch style in Mt. Air y, NC, that I have had since I started this!  Can I say it tastes exquisite!

Kate THorn

“one day at a time”

1 Comment

  1. Silvia said,

    February 23, 2010 at 9:43 pm

    Dear Kate, congratulations on you way to health, one thing you probably know about constipation is that is not just about fiber, lots of water light exercise and a relaxed body helps lots.
    I often have seen people who are in great shape tale lots of fluids and eat very healthy yet they live with stress all the time and with constipation and always remember to drink lots of water while consuming fiber or it has a reverse effect……keep it up!

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